"Pest Control Mother Nature Would Use"We do not carry beneficial insects that can help illuminate detrimental pest colonies such a Lady Bugs and Praying Mantis. Nature's Control does!
Their website is very helpful in identifying problem pests and providing solutions. We provide natural non-perishable forms of pest control such as Neem. Garden Defense Products |
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Cytospora Canker"These orange spots can vary from an almost fluorescent orange color to a deeper, wet, oozing orange-black. In both cases, the cause is a fungus called cytospora canker. Cytospora chrysosperma is generally considered to be a saprophyte or weak parasite, although it can kill trees if the infection gets bad enough, and will spread to other trees, sometimes killing a whole stand. It generally only attacks trees that have been weakened by stresses such as crowding, drought, extreme heat or cold, nutrient imbalance, transplant shock, severe pruning, fire, sunscald injury, frost, insect or mechanical injury, root-feeding nematodes, insect damage, or infection by other pathogenic fungi." - Colorado State University Article "Cytospora canker in Aspen"
Leaf BlightCommonly impacts Aspen, Cottonwoods, and other poplars. The Rocky Mountain region is consistently impacted, and the severity of the spread is dependent upon weather. Becomes apparent around the end of July.
"Rarely Leads to Mortality" "Removing & destroying diseased material from trees and ground may help reduce infections." - Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, 2011 ![]()
Tomato Fruit Problems![]()
Fall Conifer Needle LossCommonly impacts conifers which are considered healthy. This becomes noticeable around the end of August.
Conifers can keep their needles for 3-7 years. During the hottest summer months, these plants will take the opportunity to experience a quick "Dormant" period where they defoliate their oldest leaves/needles. These are generally needles close to the trunk (starting from the trunk and spreading outwards) or the most heavily shaded needles will turn yellow then quickly turn brown and drop to the ground. This is completely natural and a healthy shedding for any and all conifers. If discoloration extends all the way to the end of the branch consult an arborist about potential fungal or pest issues. ![]()