- Grass and Wildflower Seed
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- Soccer Mix
Soccer Mix
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Sold in Bulk by the Pound
A sod-forming Kentucky Bluegrass with a deep green color and fine leaf blade. This is an irrigated lawn mixture that is popular on the Western Slope of Colorado and Northwest New Mexico. Creeping Red Fescue is included to enhance the shady portions of the lawn.
The seedling rate is 5-8 lbs/1000 ft² at a depth of 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch deep in a firm seedbed
Zone: 4-7
Min. Precipitation: 30”-40” Watering 2-3 times a week. Can be up to daily during hot summer months.
70% Kentucky Bluegrass
15% Creeping Red Fescue
15% Perennial Ryegrass